Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda

Situated in the northern section of the Albertine Rift Valley, Murchison Falls Park is a must for a diverse wildlife safari in Uganda.

Known for being the best and most popular nature reserve in Uganda, you will soon discover its incredible wildlife and witness its exquisite beauty.

Chimpanzee Trekking in Murchison Falls National Park

Swinging from the mahogany trees of Kaniyo Pabidi and Rabongo Forest you will find many primates, and among them are chimpanzees. Spend a few hours tracking these magnificent beasts to witness their unique antics.

These wonderful primates move together in groups, and observing them interact with one another is a joyful experience. Observe as they make use of gestures to communicate with one another. Watch as the mother signals the baby to climb on its back, or a baby inviting another to play.

Launch Trips

It’s without a doubt that the main attraction of Murchison National Park is the Falls and River Nile. To experience these gems, regular launch trips are offered in the area. Sail upstream and discover the teeming wildlife spread out across the riverbanks.

On the journey ahead, you will encounter crocodiles, hippos, buffaloes and many more as they come down for a drink. A cruise of the Nile is all you need to discover its beauty.

Bird enthusiasts need not look further than Lake Albert delta for for the best chance of spotting Shoebills in Africa. While seamlessly cruising Lake Albert, you might get a chance to see these feathered beauties among other incredible roamers.

Game Drives

A trip to Africa is not complete without a game drive. The best times for explorations in a safari vehicle is every morning and afternoon, when wildlife is at its most active in the park. All game drives are conducted under the supervision of a Uganda Wildlife Authority Ranger.

Apart from witnessing the sunrise and sunset over Murchison Falls National Park, an opportunity for exquisite game viewing awaits. Traverse the grasslands of Murchison to witness Rothschild giraffe, elephant, buffalo, antelope, lion. Leopard, warthog, savannah bird and many more.

Hot-Air Ballooning Safaris

Murchison Falls National Park is one of only 2 parks in all of Uganda where you get to experience hot-air ballooning safaris. Arrive at the launch pad just before sunrise. This is the ideal time of to venture on a hot-air ballooning safari as the the wind is at its calmest in the morning.

Hop in the basket and prepare for lift off. One of the most incredible experiences you will have in Uganda will simply be by gently floating over the park. This surreal adventure will have you gliding over tree-tops and wildlife such as giraffe, antelope, herds of buffalo, and many more


From the shore of the falls you can fish for the largest freshwater fish species in all of Africa. This amazing expedition can also be done from boat as you cruise along the shorelines of the Nile. Murchison Falls is renowned for its Nile Perch and Tiger Fish, and an experienced guide will assist you on this adventure for the catch of the day. Other marvelous fishing opportunities are offered in Karuma Falls.

Accessing Murchison Falls

There are a number of ways to access Murchison Falls National Park. A journey of 5 hours will take you to the park from Kampala, which is approximately 305 km from Murchison. From Masindi to Paraa the distance is approximately 85 km, and a direct and longer route covers an area of about 135km.

For magnificent views of Lake Albert and a chance to see chimpanzee lining up the road, take the scenic route via Budongo Forest Route. Exquisite scenery from the direct position of the rift valley escarpment over Butiaba, are among the many highlights.

Murchison is also accessible via air, with charter flights coming in from the landing site in Pakuba

Contact our Destination Specialists to create a memorable Chimpanzee Trek in Uganda tour including the scenic Murchison Falls National Park .

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